RazorCoder Was Here!
-=- I'm Here to test your Security -=-
[+] I found some Bug on your system [+]
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Greetz to: WallE83 - dEnny_Attacker - SvN_NeVeRmOrE - Lekeota_Attacker - ./Bunglon Ijo - Onix AQua - Tangerang Cyber Army - Surabaya Black Hat - Garuda Cyber Fighter - Indonesian Cyber Freedom - 2I u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1040.ani), url(http://ani.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-11/nat1035.png), progress !important;}Blinking Cute Box Cat - See more at: http://kuroi-zone.blogspot.com/2013/12/contoh-script-deface-simple.html#sthash.w8zn8UKu.dpuf